Thursday, May 28, 2009

Waching SPIDER-MAN 03/08/09

I was watching Spider-Man: The Animated Series for one of the first times in almost 10 years on...
03/08/09 @ 11PM, and happened to write this about the episode:
"Spider-Man ducks bounty hunters as he pursues Eddie Brock." (episode description). Awesome episode. The 2nd part of the "new constume episode". It's called "The Alien Costume, Part 2". The police are still chasing Spidey, but with his new black suit, he's kind of... unbeatable. Except when sonic vibrations are used. Egh. Which the "bounty hunters" did use. Damn. So where the hell is Mary Jane during all this time? Hmm?
* * *
I am ashamed to say that at that time, which was not very long ago, I was quite ignorant about Spider-Man... A matter which I have worked hard to improve these past few months, sneaking in several afternoons of episode-watching on youtube... Now I don't think there's an episode of this series I haven't yet seen.

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